Mt. Everest VBS 2015 — Parent’s Letter
Dear Parents,
Welcome and thank you for sending your kids on an icy expedition to Everest VBS. At Everest VBS your kids will explore God’s incredible power to provide, comfort, heal, forgive, and love them forever.
Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences. Kids will participate in team building games, experience interactive Bible stories, view thought provoking videos, make fun crafts, and sing lively songs. Please send your kids in play clothes and safe shoes so they can participate fully and safely.
We ask that parents drop their kids off at the appropriate pew with the crew chief every morning before 9:00. Parents, grandparents and friends are invited to join us in the Base Camp Viewing Area every morning for Sing and Play Base Camp, and again at 11:30 for Summit Celebration. At dismissal the Summit leader will dismiss the children by crews. Please come down the center aisle of the church to the pew to pick up your child, then exit around on the side aisles of the church. Should you need to pick up your child early any day contact one of the VBS directors and she will help you with that.
Your kids will also participate in a mission’s project. This year we will be collecting new, unopened packs of white or colorful socks and underwear for children in Camden through Seeds of Hope. Join us in our “Underfeet, Underwear” Campaign for Camden Kids.
A highlight and a lasting memory of VBS are the fun-filled songs. We will be providing a music CD of Everest VBS to each family. You will be given the opportunity to help defray the cost of these CDs ($5), if you so desire.
So you can reinforce what your child learned each day at VBS, we will be providing a link on the Southwood website ( and by email to tell you about our day. You can find out about the Bible Story, Bible Point, and Key Verse. We will tell you about the games, crafts, and other activities. We are looking forward to a fun, action-packed week at Everest VBS.
Your Everest VBS Director and all the VBS Staff
Your Everest VBS Director and all the VBS Staff